EMAS work in Cambodia was established in 2018 in the capital city of Phnom Penh. Phnom Penh is the capital city of the Kingdom of Cambodia where most specialized medical work is performed. After an initial scouting tour in 2018, a successful surgical/medical team has traveled to the partnership non-profit Hebron Medical Center in 2019, 2023 and 2024.
Initially, the focus of care was providing surgical care in the form of plastic surgery specialized cases. These include, but are not limited to conditions such as cleft lip and palate, congenital hand deformities, burn contractures, acute burn injuries, keloid scars, vascular malformations, skin/soft tissue tumours, including severely disfiguring scars affecting mobility and self-image.
We have also added a focus to provide supplies and equipment as a value-add and quality improvement for the host-institution. Countless donated supplies as well as equipment have been provided for use and education of the local care-providers.
As the partnership has matured over the last 3 tours, the support provided has expanded beyond surgical needs alone. A large teaching component has been implemented including dedicated seminars with the institutional nursing school, in-service and hands on lectures with residency training program, procedural and operative teaching with residents and attendings, as well as general practitioner bedside clinical skills teaching. We have also implemented mental health screening and training as well as partnership with vision screening with the local eye clinic.
Finally, as there is a large spiritual/evangelical mission for partnership between the visiting team as well as the host hospital, a focus shift has included spiritual edification of both patients/families as well as the local Christian house staff. This includes regular testimony siestas, prayer and worship meetings and fellowship.