Eight Elements
Want makes EMAS Canada unique?

EMAS Canada is focused on giving God glory in all we do. We are grateful for the remarkable gift of medicine to alleviate human suffering. So in all our teaching and healing work, we seek to express God’s love for those in need.

EMAS teams serve all people regardless of their background or beliefs. Our teams include Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Christians. We also welcome people of good will to join us on a mission trip even if they do not share our faith.

While our trips typically last a week or two, we commit to partner with specific underserved communities for the long-term. Many of our teams have travelled to the same location for 20 years or more, building enduring relationships in the neighbourhood and with each other.

EMAS Canada primarily sends healthcare teams. Our teams are holistic, including members with a broad range of skills that contribute to fulfilling the specific purpose and goal of each mission trip. The size and composition of each team varies, as it is the result of a process of matching available skills and experience with the needs of each community we serve.

EMAS Canada serves in regions where healthcare is unavailable or unaffordable. We offer free health care to the community and charge no fees for the lectures or conferences we hold for local health personnel. We place great emphasis on carrying out our work in a culturally sensitive manner.

EMAS Canada teams focus on equipping local healthcare professionals who serve the community year-round. For example, members of our China teams lecture at local medical schools and conferences during their missions. Other clinical and surgical missions improve the services offered throughout the year by taking time to train the local healthcare providers that they work alongside.

EMAS Canada focuses on forming high-functioning interdisciplinary teams. We bring together teams made up of physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. Our flexible approach allows people with a wide range of healthcare skills & experience to participate.

EMAS Canada welcomes non-medical volunteers. Skills such as education, chaplaincy and administration can be huge assets for a healthcare team working in an underserved community. There are also many opportunities to serve with EMAS Canada right here in your own community. Public Engagement is essential to the work of EMAS Canada, so join us by organizing healthy fund and awareness-raising events, serve on the board and of course, we always have room for people to pray. If you feel called to serve with EMAS Canada, contact us. EMAS Canada missions are exciting opportunities where all participants come to serve.