October 4-18, 2025
Trip coming soon
The EMAS China West team has served the northwest regions of China since 1991. Now the team is going to Mongolia for a unique mission that combines the spiritual and physical caring together into one mission.
Our former team leader Dr. Ian Ma led the EMAS China West team for twenty-eight years. The team has served in Ningxia and Qinghai of the Northwest regions in China since 1991.
God also opened the opportunity for the team to go on a missions trip to the Mongolian People’s Republic since 2022.
Description of Mission and Team
In the Northwest regions of China, the majority of the local residents are Muslim and Tibetan.
In these villages where we have seen some of the worst poverty in China, we provide medical and dental services to the sick, care for the poor and love the marginalized and the neglected.
The China West mission team collaborates with a local organization to provide medical and dental treatment to special-needs children orphanages, Tibetan orphanages and individuals experiencing homelessness in the community. The team also presents medical health lectures at the orphanages and collaborates with the local Tibetan Charity hospital to provide medical and dental lectures, encouraging hospital staff engagement and discussion.
In September 2022, the China West mission team, together with a pastoral team led by Rev Dr Harding Ng, went on a mission trip to Mongolia. The pastoral team conducted a discipleship program at the local churches. The health care team provided medical and dental services to the local hospitals, local churches and prison inmates.
For those who answer His calling to serve in China West and Mongolia, please contact the team leader Dr. Vincent Wang.


Help provide essential healthcare services and educational necessities for the orphanages:
- $300 buys teaching tools for the special need children orphanage
- $300 buys teaching tools for the orphanages
- $500 buys medical and dental supplies for the orphanages