Partner Organizations

Global Partnerships

EMAS Canada builds long-term relationships with local organizations globally who are in agreement with our statement of faith. EMAS Canada seeks to build up and nurture locally-initiated programs by providing healthcare services, equipment, supplies and continuing education. Many of our teams focus on equipping local healthcare professionals who will serve the community year-round. Program sustainability is our goal.

In particular, EMAS Canada partners with healthcare-related programs in which there is both a clinical and spiritual component.

Canadian Collaborators

EMAS Canada currently collaborates with various international development and healthcare organizations based in Canada including:

EMAS Canada also collaborates with the Christian Medical and Dental Association in the US.

EMAS Hong Kong


EMAS Canada is connected to a sister organization, EMAS Hong Kong, which raises funds and provides administrative support for EMAS missions in China. Recently, EMAS Hong Kong has also begun conducting their own short-term medical missions trips into Northern Thailand and Myanmar.