“If you pray you will have faith, and if you have faith you will naturally want to serve.” - Mother Teresa
EMAS Canada teams travel to remote corners of the world teaching and healing in Jesus’ name. We value your prayers for the efficacy of our work, and are grateful for the ways God has responded to your prayers. As you think of EMAS – even now as you read these words – please pray for us:
- That EMAS Canada would remain faithful to its Vision: Christ-centred healthcare teams proclaiming God’s love to all the world through healing and teaching.
- That new teams would be deployed into new international partnerships and that new leaders would be equipped to sustain existing teams.
- That EMAS Canada teams would create opportunities for people to meet God regardless of where they are in their faith journey.
- That everyone on every team would experience their unique value finding joy through participation in the EMAS vision.
- That EMAS’ commitment to long-term relationships at home and abroad would lead to lifelong friendships that are God honouring and healthy.
- That God would be glorified by the work of EMAS.
- That an ever increasing number of healthcare professionals would turn to our God and serve Him with us.
Join us! Sign up for our eNewsletter and receive regular prayer updates or pray for our upcoming missions trips.