Short-term medical missions with a long-term perspective

EMAS Canada establishes long-term partnerships with local clinics and charities across the developing world

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Connect with a developing community – EMAS Canada offers several one or two week missions trips every year

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A Clear and Focused Purpose
Executive Director
Focused on the honor of Christ, Ophthalmologist Dr. David Neima has co-led the EMAS Canada Vietnam team for thirty years. Assisted locally by Fr. Tien Tran and Paul Nguyen in ...
The Race Marked Out for Us
Executive Director
As an organization we want to have relevant, valuable, and lasting impact. We want our donors to be proud of us and our beneficiaries transformed by life with God. And ...
Notice of Resignation and Thank you
Sally Patrick is from England and came to the EMAS board on the invitation of Dr. Bob Stephens in the early 2000s. Sally has a background of international politics and ...
Healing, teaching and serving those in need in a Christ-like manner
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