Our team in Gambade is heartbroken.

The team is mourning the death of Mr. Valéry Célestin the clinic administrator after a short illness.

We received this sad news on June 24th.

Mr. Valéry Célestin

This loss is devastating.

Barely three months ago, the Gambade Medical Clinic celebrated its first anniversary.

The building had been completed, equipped, and stocked with supplies.

In answer to prayer and following a careful selection process a team of Haitians has banded together to save lives during an upsurge of cholera cases in the community; children with malnutrition were helped back on the road to health and mothers-to-be were getting the care they needed for well-being.

Despite the teething problems of getting a new venture up and running in Haiti, nothing so gloomy as the death of a team member was on our foreseeable horizon.

The Gambade Medical Clinic Team in Ontario and our donors are also heartbroken, we had not expected such an outcome although we knew Mr. CĂ©lestin has been unwell this past month and had helped with administrative decisions to support him and the work at the clinic.

For a while, there is shadow of sorrow over Gambade.

But they are a resilient people, and they believe God is on their side. The staff has met at the clinic to mourn their colleague and to console one another.

Would you pray for Gambade Medical Clinic:

  1. That God would enable the staff to come alongside the family of Mr. CĂ©lestin with much love, generosity, and empathy.
  2. That they would soon recover from their sadness and press on with joyful service
  3. And that we in Ontario would know how to be supportive in culturally appropriate ways?

You can learn more about Gambade Medical clinic here and here (compasspointbc.com)

A physician and surgeon in his native Kenya, Peter has a passion for Christ-centred healthcare and has a wealth of experience both hosting and sending short-term mission teams.


Executive Director’s Blog