We are preparing for our next strategic plan, a process that began by recruiting skilled and wise people with experience in leading groups such as ours to discern and carry out plans for new direction.

Prayer, and Bible study will begin this fall and will continue throughout the process.
Starting in January 2025, we will engage stakeholders, our leaders, and advisors in a process involving meetings, discussions, prayer, and listening to one another that will end in June with new plans. Our intention is to understand God’s mind for EMAS Canada and implement it by aligning our activities and resources accordingly.

For a Chrisitan not-for-profit like EMAS Canada strategic planning requires skill and wisdom and a willingness to trust that divine leading is in part the conviction that God is willing to make His mind known to any follower of Jesus submissive to His Spirit within them.

God is not limited in how He chooses to reveal His plan and purpose.
In the past, especially the Old Testament times, when God wanted to make His direction known, He spoke through prophets and priests. They spoke of visions, dreams, and at times unique encounters with angelic beings to which they or a limited audience were privy.

The New Testament acknowledges that God may speak through individuals who make prophesies, however, Christians are not agreed on prophecy among other gifts in our times.
Two New Testament writers tell us Jesus Christ is God speaking to people, this is both encouraging and liberating for us because the leaders of EMAS Canada are united in our desire to honor Jesus Christ as Lord in mission and personal life. Having this common ground despite our denominational differences allows us to find the mind of God together, because we share the one Spirit of Jesus.

I am confident that when we state our strategic direction it will be what is good to the Holy Spirit and to us.
To help guide our strategic planning, EMAS Canada has invited former board member Christine Lancing of Lancing Consulting to lead the process.
We have also hired Chishuvo Mandivenga to support the EMAS leadership in organizing for and implementing the plan.

Join us by praying that our leaders like Daniel during their daily walk with God will discover His plan for our future.

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All Scripture references are taken from the New International Version (NIV)

Feature image: Photo by Wander Fleur on Unsplash

A physician and surgeon in his native Kenya, Peter has a passion for Christ-centred healthcare and has a wealth of experience both hosting and sending short-term mission teams.


Executive Director’s Blog