The December 2017 EMASSARY is now out. What a wonderful time to reflect on what God has done in 2017.

Thank you for sustaining our mission, we average 350 volunteers annually in nearly 12 team to 10 countries as disparate as Ecuador and Zimbabwe.

You became part of God’s mission through our Vision when you gave money, prayed for our teams or served on a team.

EMAS Canada wouldn’t exist without your confidence that God has invited you to a partnership with Him.

Thank you for entrusting EMAS Canada to be stewards of your gifts of worship to the King of whom a prophet once wrote:

I see him, but not now;
I behold him, but not near.
A star will come out of Jacob;
a scepter will rise out of Israel.

We dedicate our service and worship to Him when we say we are: “Christ-centered healthcare teams…”

Please read and share with family and friends.

Wishing you a truly Christ-centered Christmas.

With gratitude,



Peter Agwa
Executive Director
EMAS Canada

Download your copy of the December 2017 EMASSARY

This issue includes:

  • A Canadian Dentist On the Mission Field by Ajit Vargis
  • Why Bother With Medical Missions by Henk Visser
  • Blessings Through Serving by Janet Greidanus
  • News From the Office by Walter Woo

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