by Melony Teague

There is a special kind of joy that wells up when believers gather to celebrate God’s faithfulness.

In April, 2018 EMAS Canada Board, Team Leaders, friends, family and supporters gathered in Toronto to do just that.

In honouring our founders, our first beneficiaries, our past and present leadership, we were humbled because God had done something special in our midst.

God has been faithful in steering His work through EMAS Canada since 1948, but as Ellen Watson (Past Director of Administration 1986 – 2017) said in her address to those gathered, “Living in Warkworth, which is 100 miles east of Toronto, and getting a job that allowed me to travel internationally and serve the God while raising a family was truly a blessing. God was faithful to me personally.” Yes, God was in charge of the big picture, His work among “the least of these” but He was also working in and through each one of the EMAS Staff Leadership and Teams on a personal level.

Ellen Watson and her husband Bill at the 70th Anniversary Dinner in Toronto, April 7, 2018

We have heard many times how God prepared the way for teams going to heal, teach, and serve in His name. There have been many stories over the years of how just at the right time a need was met, or a volunteer would step forward having felt prompted by God, and would be a living answer to prayer and to a specific need.

Dr. Bob Stephens, one of our first beneficiaries, past Executive Director with a long history with EMAS Canada shared that he attributes EMAS’ growth to the ability to be flexible and change. What a privilege to have leadership deeply invested in seeking God’s will over the years.

As we shared our stories we were reminded that God is in charge of His work, among His people, for His glory.

Dr Bob Stephens and Dr Paul Roberts, two of the first beneficiaries of EMAS Canada

Dr. Paul Roberts, also one of our first beneficiaries, encouraged all that were gathered that one day in heaven we would find many saying, “I’m here because of you.”

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice:

“Salvation belongs to our God,
who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” (Rev. 7: 9-10)

What a precious thought, to know that we will one day see the complete family of God gathered to celebrate His faithfulness for eternity.

There is no denying that the dynamic of each part working together, is powerful and long lasting.

As a supporter of EMAS Canada, you are an integral part of this work. Every time you pray for our teams on the field, or you give in order to help those in need receive medical care or equipment. You are part of this big picture.

Thank you for your support!

Melony Teague is a Freelance Writer and Author. She joined EMAS Canada in 2014 as Communications & PR assistant. She has a passion for medical short-term missions and for sharing stories that matter. She lives in Toronto with her husband and two children.