These words speak of one of our core values: Going to Underserved Areas.

Our teams bring a variety of gifts and skills to meet needs that have been prioritized by our local partners. We aim to serve only where we are needed. We avoid duplication of services and competing with other organizations through a process of exploratory trips, careful evaluation of needs, and we do our best to listen well to local partners before making long-term commitments. This approach means we take a year to eighteen months before sending out volunteers. It is the reason why we do not do emergency relief in crisis unless we have proven partners to whom we can delegate work.

Improvements in healthcare delivery in some of our traditional service areas are freeing up resources for new horizons.

Furthermore, the pandemic forced a brake on our routine.

The break that followed was for an extended time away from physical a presence on the field; remote teaching and aid-in-kind have shown us new ways to respond to opportunities in certain underserved places. We learned that we are not always needed in the forms that we used pre-pandemic.

However, this leaves us with a sizeable population of eager volunteers ready for action that is looking at new horizons.

Challenging new opportunities in Togo, Haiti, and Honduras are ready for exploration in 2023.

We are recruiting for these new opportunities while we serve our existing partners using smaller more nimble teams and remote education tools.

Consider coming alongside us to meet needs in the following underserved communities:

Togo: Anesthesiologists, Nurse Anesthetists, and General Surgeons; Pediatricians; Internists, Emergency Medicine Specialists, Family Physicians, and Pharmacists; Hospital Maintenance Technicians.

Gambade (Haiti): Nurse Practitioners, Midwives, Physician Assistants.

Honduras: Adolescent Health and Family Medicine.

For more information about service opportunities listed above send email inquiry

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All Scripture references are taken from the New International Version (NIV)

Feature image: photo courtesy of EMAS Myanmar Team , used with permission,  all rights reserved. 

A physician and surgeon in his native Kenya, Peter has a passion for Christ-centred healthcare and has a wealth of experience both hosting and sending short-term mission teams.


Executive Director’s Blog