How EMAS Canada Will Adapt to the Changing Times

Our dependence on volunteers and donors is a well-known fact, and when we see a decline in their numbers we are naturally concerned. And we are not alone. In a recent report in the Time Magazine, Oxfam is having to reduce staff by close to 30% due to reduced revenue following the impact of [...]

2021-02-24T19:45:09-05:00May 26th, 2020|

EMAS Canada

in the Crossroads building
P.O. Box 93055 RPO Headon
Burlington, ON L7M 4A3

phone: (905) 319-3415
toll-free: 1 (866) 648-0664

EMAS Hong Kong

P.O. Box 89070
Kowloon Post Office
Hong Kong

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