Training the next generation of healthcare workers is an aspect of the long-term perspective of EMAS Canada’s service.
EMAS began to send medical personnel to teach after the solo mission of Dr. Nelles Silverthorne to Ecuador in 1958. Teachers have since been to India, Angola, Congo, Honduras, Tanzania, Mexico, Cuba, China, Nigeria, and other countries.
Medical education has been at the heart of our mission for nearly 70 years.
This year we are putting more funds into training the next generation of healthcare practitioners than any curative mission; our virtual education programs reach more learners than all the patients we will treat.
God gave His people a promise for blessing referenced in our September Blog.
Part of the condition is to spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed
In its original context, an appropriate application would be a feeding program or treating malnutrition as we are doing in Haiti. However, the shortage of skilled medical personnel among our international partners leaves many oppressed by curable and preventable disease.
The good news is that we are invited to upgrade clinical skills in Zimbabwe, Cambodia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Moreover, our partners in Asia remain receptive and look forward to our visits although temporarily we serve through distance education.
A response to the hunger for education among healthcare workers is timely. This is something we do while responding to the needs of those afflicted or oppressed by disease.
Here are three examples:
- Teaching English to staff at Gambade Medical Clinic via distance education.
- Scholarship program training postgraduate doctors and nurses in Francophone Africa.
- Medical skills training for maternity nurses in rural Zimbabwe.
As more countries become self sufficient in health services, our role as partners will accelerate the process by empowering local leaders through training.
To learn more about serving through or supporting education programs, you can follow up by email:

Peter Agwa is the Executive Director of EMAS Canada. A physician and surgeon in his native Kenya, Peter has a passion for Christ-centred healthcare and has a wealth of experience both hosting and sending short-term mission teams. Subscribe to Executive Director's Blog
All Scripture references are taken from the New International Version (NIV)
Feature image: Neonatal care training at the November 2022 Medical Conference in Zimbabwe