In photo: retired pediatrician Dr. Robert Hilliard formerly of Sick Kids Toronto.
You may wonder just where your donations go. Let me answer some questions you might have about how we manage your contributions.
Each EMAS Canada team has its own account. These are designated funds specific to a project or program, but there is also a shared fund called Overseas Ministry Support on which all teams depend, and we sometimes refer to it as our General Fund.
Overseas Ministry Support Fund is our most important fund, it is the one that makes us strong. Our existence depends on it, and it keeps us in business.
- It is our shared operating fund and has many important uses.
- It serves donors and enables the board to keep our charity compliant with Canadian Law.
- It pays insurance for all volunteers and enables teams to raise money and to do mission.
- From time to time this fund gives grants to teams and their programs, and it pays salaries.
- We do our best to keep costs down, so we can have a healthy reserve in this fund.
- We assign 10% of all donations to Overseas Ministry Support fund for the necessary administrative tasks required to mobilize all teams and sustain all our programs.
- When these tasks are fully paid for, residual funds remain available to teams at the board’s discretion.
If we have a healthy Overseas Ministry Support fund, we can expand our services and give money to “where it is needed most”. When we appeal for “Where Needed Most” we keep the income in Overseas Ministry Support fund, from where the board directs support to programs with a shortfall or to meet unexpected urgent needs.
The Overseas Ministry Support fund receives donations from individuals who believe our vision “Christ-centred healthcare teams proclaiming God’s love to all the world through healing and teaching” is worth supporting.
You can give to this fund at any time knowing that it is the one fund serving all teams and must remain strong if EMAS programs are to thrive. In fact, it is the fund without which there is no EMAS Canada.
The workshop was in part funded by Overseas Ministry Support Fund.

Peter Agwa is the Executive Director of EMAS Canada. A physician and surgeon in his native Kenya, Peter has a passion for Christ-centred healthcare and has a wealth of experience both hosting and sending short-term mission teams. Subscribe to Executive Director's Blog
All Scripture references are taken from the New International Version (NIV)
Featured image: Neonatal care training at the November 2022 Medical Conference in Zimbabwe