Sally Patrick is from England and came to the EMAS board on the invitation of Dr. Bob Stephens in the early 2000s. Sally has a background of international politics and social/relief work and was previously a member of the World Relief Canada board. She was running refugee camps under World Relief Canada and Tear Fund UK in eastern Congo/Zaire in the mid-1990s and continues in medical missions to Africa with her husband, Dr. John Patrick.
In order to facilitate the work of EMAS across different cultures, Sally helped find alternative wording for EMAS from the Evangelical Medical Aid Society to “Education, Medical Aid, and Service”. She has served faithfully on the EMAS Canada board of directors and led in various positions, including being the first Secretary/Treasurer. She rarely missed a meeting and placed great value on discussions with colleagues of the purpose and God given opportunities in the work of EMAS.
As a long-serving board member, she has been our most valuable source of institutional memory. Her background in medical missions to sub–Saharan Africa made her an important source of wisdom to the EMAS Canada board and our volunteers.
We are truly thankful for her faithfulness, generous service, wisdom, and willingness to remain available for consultation.
We wish Sally God’s richest blessings as she transitions to new priorities.