“There will be no more gloom for those who were in distress…. The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned…they rejoice as when dividing the plunder….”
This promise is astonishing, almost incredible, and all because a child was born, given to humankind.
Expectant Mary, knowing that this long-awaited Promise was within her, anticipated God’s faithfulness and sang of the fulfillment of God’s promises to her ancestor, Abraham. The pledge was for all humankind. The Warrior/Shepherd that Mary was carrying, both awesome and mighty, yet full of tender mercy, came to implement God’s justice and righteousness with peace and to establish an eternal kingdom for all people.
We are convinced that the Promise is true and dwells with us. That is why we are who we are, and we do the things that we do.
This month one EMAS team is preparing to provide timely and quality surgical care in an east African nation. Another is preparing to share skills and expertise with healthcare providers in central Africa, empowering nationals to better service.
We do this in pursuit of empathy with God over the injustice of poorly distributed and under resourced medical services. There are people living with preventable physical pain that we can help. They will rejoice when their diseases will be cured; we have witnessed the joyful dance that a hip replacement produces in Ecuador.
And because of what happened over two millennia ago in a remote village in the middle east, Canadian Christians are motivated to provide through EMAS so that youth in Asia can drink freshly brewed coffee and buy flowers for loved ones at Joy Café, while at the same time giving disadvantaged youth a chance at rehabilitation through employment.
All this is the fulfillment of what Mary testified.
Before the next Easter, we will meet with friends in southern Africa to celebrate 10 years of service in that region and renew our resolve to tell more and more people about God’s tender mercy for all people.
All this is good news of great joy for all people, EMAS Canada volunteers, and staff are honored to deliver it wherever we are invited to serve as resources allow.
You can learn more about how the promise is being fulfilled through your gifts.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and for all whom we serve, another year of Christ-EMAS.*

Peter Agwa is the Executive Director of EMAS Canada. A physician and surgeon in his native Kenya, Peter has a passion for Christ-centred healthcare and has a wealth of experience both hosting and sending short-term mission teams. Subscribe to Executive Director's Blog