by Ajit Vargis

There is nothing quite like watching the sun rise and set over the African landscape. In May 2017, our team of 11 volunteers witnessed God’s sunrise and sunset artwork as we worked at Karanda Mission Hospital. Karanda Hospital, established in 1961 is situated in northern Zimbabwe, within the Zambezi River Valley; 200 kilometres from the capital, Harare.

African sunrise

African sunrise


Pastors' Retreat

Pastors’ Retreat 2017

The highlight of our mission trip was the three day Pastors’ retreat for 30 pastors and their spouses, led by our team. We studied scripture, prayed, and discussed what we were learning. For the first time, putting aside denominational differences they came together as one,  learning, sharing and caring; they opened up to one another about pastoral responsibilities and struggles in the ministry. It was a remarkable demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit to unite people.

Our team led a children’s program in the afternoon, and a youth one in the evening. Basing the talks on the scriptures, there was robust discussion and debate about life issues affecting the youth.  Questions posed were answered by looking at biblical standards. These sessions were made possible by Ariana, Brian, Chishuvo, and Abel. The team visited neighbouring villages and held prayer meetings with people in the homes. Every morning, we gathered with the hospital staff for devotions and prayer led by Jeremy and Rose.

Children's Program 2017

Dr. Don Munnings carried out surgical operations, along with the doctors on site, and so allowing the resident surgeons a much-needed rest. We also donated a good supply of sedatives for use of surgical patients.

The dental team of Dr. Ajit Vargis, Ann (assistant), and Sheal (hygienist), provided cleaning, care, and treatment. Adults and children traveled from up to 200 kilometres for the free dental services, helping us achieve our goal of demonstrating Christ’s love for them. They were overjoyed at receiving high quality care. We were so pleased to serve that even with over 100 patients a day, fatigue did not overtake us. We have started equipping the clinic, using donated funds, to date we have purchased a new sterilizer.

It was a great privilege to serve the people of Karanda. We were profoundly blessed by the opportunity. We look forward, with God’s leading and the partnership of our donors to serve Karanda again.

EMAS Zimbabwe Team 2017

 EMAS Zimbabwe Team Members serving the rural Zimbabweans.

(From Left to Right)
Back Row: Ariana, Ann, Ajit, Don, Brian
Middle Row: Abel, Kim, Sheal, Jeremy, Rose
Front: Chishuvo