It is a pleasure as the current Chair of the Board to thank our Past-Chair, Dr. Hendrick Visser, for his years of service on the Board of EMAS. Henk was initially invited by Dr. Marvin Clark over 15 years ago. In 2007, he became Chair of the Board until he stepped down in 2016. He has also been a Team Leader for the Malawi team. 


His time as Board Chair saw numerous changes within EMAS as more people joined the call for medical missions and more Teams were formed. He also led a thorough strategic review that had the participation of members all across Canada. This led to a 5 Year Strategic Plan that saw our focus on sending Christ Centred Health Care Teams throughout the world. 


Henk has been a steady pillar of calm amidst the multitude of demands and changes. I most admire, and miss, his strong and deep spiritual leadership of the Board. I always left board meetings feeling spiritually refreshed even if I was physically tired. His deep wellspring of faith in God is always evident in what he does. 


After retiring from 30 years as a family physician who still made house-calls, Henk now works as an advisor for the Worker’s Compensation Board in Charlottetown. He has also begun a new ministry, Leader to Leader, that aims to inspire and equip future leaders – something that he is well equipped to do and model. We wish Henk and his wife Catherine all the best in their endeavours.

by Emile Woo

(Image: Henk and his son at the EMAS 70th Anniversary Celebration in Toronto)

Emile Woo is the present board chair for EMAS Canada.