On Her Feet Again

Recently, two surgery teams, one dental team and one medical team, visited  different cities in southern China. The surgery teams operated on more than 120 patients with severe conditions: burns, congenital deformities, etc. The audiologists performed hearing tests and fitted people with hearing aids. This holistic approach often resulted in dramatic improvement in their quality of [...]

2014-05-31T09:54:10-04:00May 30th, 2014|

Ecuador Stories 2013

The Ecuador Team related the following stories from their 2013 orthopaedic surgery mission trip: A 61 year-old Quechua woman needed to be carried and lifted onto the hospital bed by her daughter. She had not walked for two years. The day after her hip replacement, she was up and walking with crutches. The future did [...]

2014-07-16T18:36:23-04:00March 3rd, 2014|

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