All of EMAS’ projects plan to survive the pandemic, but three quarters of EMAS’ volunteers will not travel in 2020 due to the pandemic.

When teams travel again, they will be serving communities for whom the after-effects of the crisis are far worse than for us in Canada. For instance, before the COVID -19 crisis Zimbabwe was already staggering under colossal inflation, repeated doctors and nurses strikes, drought, and chronic shortage of medical supplies.

Haiti’s political volcano has been quiet for a few months, but persistent rumblings hamper the full recovery of agriculture and commerce; the lockdown and travel embargo has cut off the inflow of foreign currency, making it harder for under resourced rural communities like Gambade to thrive after the pandemic.

We endeavour to continue our practical help to and partnership with those in need and are taking time and trouble to conserve resources, reduce overheads and have build capacity to assist our overseas partners.

Here are three things we are doing and how you can join us:


The EMAS Office is moving to being fully virtual. Staff will work from their homes and this will save on the cost of office rent.

You can help by updating your contact information by email to Sandy or by letter using our new mailing address.

EMAS Canada

P.O. BOX 93055 RPO Headon

Burlington, ON L7M 4A3


Teams are raising funds for emergency relief to support partners battling the COVID-19 pandemic, and therefore continue to support their overseas partners even when we are unable to travel.

You can help by donating to the emergency relief fund, you may designate to a specific team by indicating team name in the dedication box.


EMAS is further reducing the cost of serving teams by preferring electronic mail and by encouraging use of electronic banking.

Contact Sandy if you wish to get some tips on safe electronic banking or how to remotely deposit funds to an EMAS account.

You can help by opting for email, visit here for a sample of communications you can subscribe to and share this information with your family and friends.

Did you know you can join a team even when there is no mission in the current year? You can give even when your team is not traveling?

Contact Peter Agwa to learn about supporting your team or joining one in 2020.