Providing Surgical, Spiritual and Dental Care to Zimbabweans

There is nothing quite like watching the sun rise and set over the African landscape. In May 2017, our team of 11 volunteers witnessed God's sunrise and sunset artwork as we worked at Karanda Mission Hospital. Karanda Hospital, established in 1961 is situated in northern Zimbabwe, within the Zambezi River Valley; 200 kilometres from the capital, Harare.

2017-06-19T11:05:42-04:00June 19th, 2017|

His Ways Are Not Our Ways

In Canada, when you have a problem with your teeth, a toothache or a cavity, you call your dental office, make an appointment, and are sometimes able to see the dentist the same day. For the rural Burmese people, this is not an option.

2017-06-06T12:12:16-04:00June 6th, 2017|

India North Team Energized in Spirit

Dr. Sharon Reece, Dr. Lindsay Bowman, and Mr. Josh Matthews spent 1 week in Herbertpur, India at the Herbertpur Christian Hospital serving patients of all faiths and walks of life alongside the local doctors and nurses.

2017-06-05T14:30:45-04:00June 1st, 2017|

Nurse Julie Sparkes of McGill University Shares Her Story On Changing Lives

Julie Sparkes, a nurse from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec shared her story in the McGill University Health Care magazine. In the September 2016 issue of, En Bref Magazine, Julie was interviewed and talks about travelling with the EMAS China South Team for two weeks and  about her motivation for going, the preparation involved, the challenges [...]

2017-05-30T18:26:01-04:00February 16th, 2017|

Introducing Sandy Rumford

We welcome Sandy Rumford to the position of Bookkeeper and Office Administrator. Sandy has worked as a missionary in Haiti during the earthquake of 2010, at which time she provided administrative leadership at the Mission of Hope Hospital during that crisis. She has worked for three other faith based missions with responsibilities for donor relations, [...]

2017-01-16T13:15:17-05:00January 8th, 2017|

Listening and Learning in Haiti

When I reflect on our mission trip to Gambade along the Grand Riviere du Nord near Cap Haitien, my thoughts return to the delivery room at the local public hospital …the metal chair with stirrups was not unlike others, but the ripped and dirty foam covering the chair is an unforgettable image.

2017-05-08T08:19:43-04:00January 5th, 2017|

EMASSARY – December 2016

The December 2016 EMASSARY is now out. What a wonderful time to reflect on what God has done in 2016. Included in this edition is a special message called, Transition by Dr. Peter Agwa. Ellen Watson, our retiring Director of Administration, shares about her 31 Years of Blessings, serving with EMAS Canada. We rejoice [...]

2017-05-08T08:24:08-04:00December 8th, 2016|

Celebrate with Us

This year’s EMAS Haiti team continued to provide hope to a disadvantaged community. The post-earthquake state of Haiti continues to slowly improve. The team travelled to Port-Au-Prince in February, 2016. One of the Team Leaders, Rachelle Brière, arrived in Haiti one week before the team to prepare for the team’s arrival including orientation teaching sessions [...]

2017-05-08T08:33:41-04:00June 13th, 2016|

EMAS Change Agents in China

Angela remembers the day she went into a shop to buy groceries. “Get out!” said the clerk at the store. “You’re too ugly!” Her face had been badly burned in 2014.

2018-07-17T13:19:09-04:00February 18th, 2016|

Your Gifts in Action in Vietnam

By Melony Teague Your gifts in action. What if you were able to see the impact that sponsored surgery and care of children with disabilities has made in the lives of those served by EMAS Vietnam’s Medical Aid for Vietnam program? Through the eyes of Dr. Pete Greidanus and Neveah Dumas, who served in [...]

2017-05-08T08:39:41-04:00December 15th, 2015|

Loving the Forgotten Ones

My life of working part time, driving kids to hockey practice twice a week, hockey games on weekends, piano lessons and driving to school was interrupted by 2 1/2 weeks of serving the psychiatric patients and nurses at the psychiatric hospitals in two cities in China.

2019-10-29T14:36:17-04:00December 9th, 2015|


EMAS Canada was featured in the August 2015 issue of CMDS' Focus Magazine. Alana Cormier has served on the EMAS Vietnam team and talks about her faith-growing experiences. (Page 8 & 9) On page 21 is a meaningful and touching story from Christopher Wang detailing his experiences as part of the EMAS China West team since joining the team after High School in 2009.

2015-08-14T08:03:40-04:00August 14th, 2015|

Reflections of a Veteran Ward Nurse

The Ecuador Medical-Dental Mission (Operation Esperanza) has been going annually to Cuenca, Ecuador, for the past 18 years. Some patients show their gratitude by returning every year to help where they can, mostly by translating in the clinics and on the ward. In the following story, Patricia is one such patient. One of her hips, which was replaced 14 years ago, required a revision this year.

2017-05-08T08:49:41-04:00June 4th, 2015|

Inaugural EMAS India North Mission

By Stephen and Stephanie Milone We travelled with our three children and Dr. Peter Agwa to this beautiful area at the foothills of the Himalayas. Our visit to Herbertpur Christian Hospital was a success. We achieved our goals of establishing new friendships and a plan for the educational advancement of the staff. Working closely [...]

2017-05-08T08:52:25-04:00April 30th, 2015|

My First Medical Trip Blew Expectations out of the Water

By Kristina Joyal (4th Year Medical Student) I had attempted to prepare myself for this medical mission to Haiti; I attended the meetings, read about the history of Haiti and even took an online course to learn some Creole! However, the reality was beyond what I could have imagined. The chaos, the poverty, the [...]

2017-05-08T08:55:13-04:00March 19th, 2015|

Good News: EMAS China South Surgical and Post-Op Teams Return Home

The China South Surgery and Post-Op Teams are back safely on our shores and are already preparing for their next trip in May. Together, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, surgeons, physiotherapists, occupational therapists,dentists and audiologists enjoyed good health and a time of serving together in unity. There is no doubt that the China South team love to laugh together and celebrate together.

2017-05-08T09:01:36-04:00January 10th, 2015|

Education Medical Aid and Service in Action in Myanmar

In October 2014 the EMAS Myanmar Team set out to travel to rural areas of Myanmar. Dental work was conducted outside in some cases, but patients were still grateful to receive assistance. Not only were the team able to treat those in need, but they also provided valuable preventative instruction such as proper oral hygiene.

2017-05-08T09:02:37-04:00January 9th, 2015|

Maternity and Eternity

God appeared on earth in bodily form. He was called Jesus Christ. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form (Col.2:9). At EMAS Canada, we are humbled by the amazing and indescribable privilege we have of bringing this same God to the world through Christ-centered healthcare teams that proclaim His love through healing and teaching.

2017-05-08T09:04:32-04:00December 10th, 2014|

Clarity in the Open Country of Vietnam

Midway into the July 2014 EMAS mission to Vietnam I remember getting on a bus full of exhausted volunteers for an hour ride back to where we were staying that night. I sat next to a window, looking out into the fields and roads of Vietnam. There were no skyscraper buildings, no malls, no Starbucks, nothing but land and the people tending to it.

2017-05-08T09:05:29-04:00September 18th, 2014|

EMAS Canada

in the Crossroads building
P.O. Box 93055 RPO Headon
Burlington, ON L7M 4A3

phone: (905) 319-3415
toll-free: 1 (866) 648-0664

EMAS Hong Kong

P.O. Box 89070
Kowloon Post Office
Hong Kong

visit website

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